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Fast-Glob Pattern Syntax

fast-glob is a powerful and efficient library for matching file paths against specified patterns, integrated within ToolX for file manipulation and searching. It uses a specific pattern syntax to define the criteria for matching file paths.


The fast-glob library is used in ToolX to provide flexible and efficient file matching capabilities. It's crucial for operations that require pattern matching against file paths, such as filtering or searching files.

Pattern Syntax

fast-glob uses glob pattern syntax, which allows for flexible and expressive file path matching. The syntax includes:

  • * (Wildcard): Matches any number of characters (excluding directory separators).
  • ** (Globstar): Matches any number of characters (including directory separators).
  • ? (Single Character): Matches any single character (excluding directory separators).
  • [seq] (Character Set): Matches any character in seq.
  • !(pattern) (Negation): Matches anything except the specified pattern.
  • @(pattern) (Match Pattern): Matches the specified pattern.
  • +(pattern) (One or More): Matches one or more occurrences of the specified pattern.
  • *(pattern) (Zero or More): Matches zero or more occurrences of the specified pattern.
  • ?(pattern) (Optional): Matches zero or one occurrence of the specified pattern.
  • {a,b} (Alternatives): Matches either a or b.

Usage in ToolX

When using fast-glob within ToolX, patterns are passed to functions that involve file searching or manipulation. Here's an example showing how fast-glob is used in ToolX to filter files:


import { Tool } from '@toolx/core';

// Example usage
const tool = new Tool(['*.js', '!test.*']);;

In this example, uses fast-glob patterns to include all .js files but exclude those named test.*.

External Library: fast-glob

fast-glob is an external library integrated into ToolX. It provides advanced pattern matching capabilities that are essential for various file manipulation tasks. For more information on fast-glob patterns and usage, refer to the fast-glob documentation.

Released primarily under the MIT license.