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The Base class serves as a fundamental building block within the ToolX library. It provides basic functionalities and utilities common to various components of the library. Below is a comprehensive overview of the Base class.

Class Overview

Base is a foundational class designed to be extended by other classes in the ToolX library. It encapsulates common properties and methods that are useful across different tools and components.


  • debug: A boolean property indicating whether debug mode is active. When set to true, additional log information may be output to the console.


constructor(options, pathIn, pathOut)

The constructor initializes a new instance of the Base class.

  • options: An optional parameter for configuration options.
  • pathIn: An optional string or array of strings indicating the input path(s).
  • pathOut: An optional string indicating the output path.


Returns the current ID as a number. This ID is used internally for tracking instances.


Generates and returns a unique ID for the instance. This is useful for creating unique identifiers for instances of derived classes.

static getExt(file)

A static method that returns the file extension of a given file.

  • file: A string representing the filename.

static checkFileExt(file, exts)

Checks if a given file has one of the specified extensions.

  • file: The file name as a string.
  • exts: An array of string extensions to check against.

includes(arr, value)

Determines if a given value is included in an array.

  • arr: An array of strings.
  • value: A string value to check for inclusion in the array.

excludes(arr, value)

Determines if a given value is excluded from an array.

  • arr: An array of strings.
  • value: A string value to check for exclusion from the array.

exact(inputValue, fileValue)

Checks if two values are exactly the same.

  • inputValue: A string value to compare.
  • fileValue: Another string value to compare against the first.

set(options, pathIn, pathOut)

Configures the instance with specified options and paths.

  • options: Configuration options.
  • pathIn: Input path(s) as a string or an array of strings.
  • pathOut: Output path as a string.


Outputs log information to the console if debug mode is active.

  • args: Variable number of arguments to log.

Usage Example

import Base from 'path-to-Base.js';

// Creating an instance of the Base class
const baseInstance = new Base({ debug: true }, 'input/path', 'output/path');

// Working with the instance

In this example, an instance of the Base class is created with debug mode enabled, input and output paths specified. The getID method is then called to demonstrate its usage.

This documentation provides an essential guide to the Base class, a core component of the ToolX library.

Released primarily under the MIT license.